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July 2007

July 19, 2007

Monkey see, monkey do

monkey see, monkey domonkey see, monkey do

Another one from the archives but better late than never. Finn is doing his best to metamorphise into his monkey, and even trying to adapt his built environment using the same theme. Admittedly he had a little help from dad with the construction process. I can be seen in a typical construction site managerial position - drinking a cup of tea and supervising from a distance while someone else does the work.

July 18, 2007

Play-doh menagerie

spotty giraffespotty giraffespotty giraffe

After Finn and I crafted some wild jungle animals from play-doh Finn decided that the giraffe was better off with just 3 legs and definitely better off without his ears. The elephant retained all limbs briefly before his eye migrated towards the tail end of things. Clearly he was worried about what was coming up behind and felt he needed a better look. As I'm a nice person, I have spared the elephant the indignity of photographing that particular modification of nature.

July 17, 2007

Before and after

short back and sidesshort back and sides

The hair cut actually happened a while back but I think Finn was too busy preparing his prep school application following the event for us to be organised enough to get a pic online. All he needed was a soft felt cap and some ridiculously long shorts and we could have enrolled him at a fine establishment somewhere.